





2023-08-24 14:46:00来源:网络


  1. If Sally can paint a house in 4 hours, and John can paint the same house in 6 hour, how long will it take for both of them to paint the house together?

  A. 2 hours and 24 minutes

  B. 3 hours and 12 minutes

  C. 3 hours and 44 minutes

  D. 4 hours and 10 minutes

  E. 4 hours and 33 minutes

  2. If Lynn can type a page in p minutes, what piece of the page can she do in 5 minutes?

  A. 5/p

  B. p - 5

  C. p + 5

  D. p/5

  E. 1- p + 5

  3. Employees of a discount appliance store receive an additional 20% off of the lowest price on an item. If an employee purchases a dishwasher during a 15% off sale, how much will he pay if the dishwasher originally cost $450?

  A. $280.90

  B. $287

  C. $292.50

  D. $306

  E. $333.89

  4. The sales price of a car is $12,590, which is 20% off the original price. What is the original price?

  A. $14,310.40

  B. $14,990.90

  C. $15,290.70

  D. $15,737.50

  E. $16,935.80

  5. Solve the following equation for A : 2A/3 = 8 + 4A

  A. -2.4

  B. 2.4

  C. 1.3

  D. -1.3

  E. 0

  6. If Leah is 6 years older than Sue, and John is 5 years older than Leah, and the total of their ages is 41. Then how old is Sue?

  A. 8

  B. 10

  C. 14

  D. 19

  E. 21

  7. Alfred wants to invest $4,000 at 6% simple interest rate for 5 years. How much interest will he receive?

  A. $240

  B. $480

  C. $720

  D. $960

  E. $1,200

  8. Jim is able to sell a hand-carved statue for $670 which was a 35% profit over his cost. How much did the statue originally cost him?

  A. $496.30

  B. $512.40

  C. $555.40

  D. $574.90

  E. $588.20

  9. The city council has decided to add a 0.3% tax on motel and hotel rooms. If a traveler spends the night in a motel room that costs $55 before taxes, how much will the city receive in taxes from him?

  A. 10 cents

  B. 11 cents

  C. 15 cents

  D. 17 cents

  E. 21 cents

  10. Simon arrived at work at 8:15 A.M. and left work at 10: 30 P.M. If Simon gets paid by the hour at a rate of $10 and time and ? for any hours worked over 8 in a day. How much did Simon get paid?

  A. $120.25

  B. $160.75

  C. $173.75

  D. $180

  E. $182.50

  11. Grace has 16 jellybeans in her pocket. She has 8 red ones, 4 green ones, and 4 blue ones. What is the minimum number of jellybeans she must take out of her pocket to ensure that she has one of each color?

  A. 4

  B. 8

  C. 12

  D. 13

  E. 16

  12. If r = 5 z then 15 z = 3 y, then r =

  A. y

  B. 2 y

  C. 5 y

  D. 10 y

  E. 15 y

  13. If 300 jellybeans cost you x dollars. How many jellybeans can you purchase for 50 cents at the same rate?

  A. 150/x

  B. 150x

  C. 6x

  D. 1500/x

  E. 600x

  14. Lee worked 22 hours this week and made $132. If she works 15 hours next week at the same pay rate, how much will she make?

  A. $57

  B. $90

  C. $104

  D. $112

  E. $122

  15. If 8x + 5x + 2x + 4x = 114, the 5x + 3 =

  A. 12

  B. 25

  C. 33

  D. 47

  E. 86

  16. You need to purchase a textbook for nursing school. The book cost $80.00, and the sales tax where you are purchasing the book is 8.25%. You have $100. How much change will you receive back?

  A. $5.20

  B. $7.35

  C. $13.40

  D. $19.95

  E. $21.25

  17. You purchase a car making a down payment of $3,000 and 6 monthly payments of $225. How much have you paid so far for the car?

  A. $3225

  B. $4350

  C. $5375

  D. $6550

  E. $6398

  18. Your supervisor instructs you to purchase 240 pens and 6 staplers for the nurse''s station. Pens are purchased in sets of 6 for $2.35 per pack. Staplers are sold in sets of 2 for 12.95. How much will purchasing these products cost?

  A. $132.85

  B. $145.75

  C. $162.90

  D. $225.25

  E. $226.75

  19. If y = 3, then y3(y3-y)=

  A. 300

  B. 459

  C. 648

  D. 999

  E. 1099

  Answer Key

  1. A 2. A 3. D  4. D  5. A  6. A  7. E  8. A  9. D  10. C  11. D  12. A  13. A  14. B  15. C  16. C  17. B  18. A 19. C


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