





2017-11-09 17:54:39来源:网络







  Aspiration:[æspəˈreʃən] n. 渴望

  desire to achieve things

  60E SS Line 10

  The aspiration to neutrality findsprominent expression in our politics and low.

  Prominent: ['prɒmɪnənt] adj. 突出的

  important andwell-known

  OG1 SS Line 20

  In days gone by, when theonly entertainment in town on a Wednesday night was to go to the countycourthouse to listen to a prominent politician give a theatrical tiradeagainst Herbert Hoover, an eloquent speaker could pack the courthouse and havefive thousand people lined up to the railroad tracks listening to the boomingloudspeakers.

  Derive: [dɪ'raɪv] v. 源于


  60E SS Line 11

  Although neutrality derives from theliberal tradition of political thought, its province is not limited to thoseknown as liberals.

  Disprove:[dɪsˈpruv] v. 反驳

  prove to be false

  63E SS Line 90

  It’s as difficult to disprove animalconsciousness as it is to prove it.

  Oppose: [kən'sɝvətɪv] v. 反对

  unwilling to acceptchanges and new ideas

  60E SS Line 19

  Conservatives appeal to neutrality when opposingattempts by government to impose certain moral restraints.

  Welfare: ['wɛl'fɛr] n. 福利

  health, comfort,and happiness

  60E SS Line 25

  Republicans have long complained thattaxing the rich to pay for welfare programs for the poor is a form ofcoerced charity that violates people’s freedom to choose what to do with theirown money.

  Assure:[ə'ʃʊr] adj. 保证

  you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen,often in order to make them less worried

  60E SS Line 29

  Democrats have long replied that governmentmust assure all citizens a decent level of income, housing, educationand health care.

  Permanent: ['pɝmənənt] adj. 永久的

  lasts forever

  60E SS Line 39

  So familiar is this vision of freedom thatit might seem a permanent feature of the American political tradition.

  Deliberating: [dɪ'lɪbərət]v. 仔细考虑

  plan and decide beforehand

  60E SS Line 51

  It involves deliberatingwith fellow citizens about the common good and helping to shape the destiny ofthe political community.

  Sustain:[sə'sten] v. 维持

  continue or maintain for a period oftime

  60E SS Line 76

  For despiteits appeal, the liberal vision of freedom lacks the civic resources to sustainself-government.

  Monopoly: [mə'nɑpəli] n. 垄断

  complete control

  63E SS Line 13

  Twenty-fiveyears ago be published a short book suggesting that humans didn’t have the monopolyon thoughts and feelings

  Appall: [əˈpɔl] v. 使惊愕

  fill with fear or alarm

  63E SS Line 16

  Otherscientists were appalled.

  Disguise: [dɪsˈɡaɪz] v. 伪装

  make something appear different so that people will not know about it orwill not recognize it

  63E SS Line 32

  Animal enrichment programs featuring mentalpuzzles disguised as toys and treats have become a standard part ofdaily life at zoos.

  Issue: [ˈɪʃu] n. 问题

  an importantsubject that people are arguing about or discussing / v. 发行 make somethingknown formally or publicly

  63E SS Line34

  And in the spring of 2001 the University ofChicago Press issued an updated edition of Dr. Griffin’s 1992 book, AnimalMinds.

  Cautious:[ˈkɔʃəs] adj. 谨慎的

  acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger

  63E SS Line 39

  Scientists,including me, have come to be very cautious.


  Misinterpret:[ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt] v. 误解

  understand something wrongly

  63E SS Line 40

  Early work on primate gestures and facialexpressions was grossly misinterpreted.

  Interpret: [ɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt] v. 解释

  decide the meaning or significance of something

  OG SS Line 32

  But the effort to explain what was in his head has spawned almost asmany interpretationsas the words themselves have generated politicalmovements.

  Intensify: [ɪnˈtɛnsəˌfaɪ] v. 增强

  make somethingbecome greater in strength, amount, or degree

  63E SS Line 42

  In fact the recent findings appear to haveonly intensified the debate over animal consciousness.

  Mess: [mɛs] n. 混乱

  something in an untidystate

  63E SS Line 42

  Tufts University philosopher Daniel C.Dennett declared the state of thinking on animal consciousness a “mess”.

  Advocate: [ˈædvəˌket] v. 提倡

  recommend something publicly/ n. 提倡者

  63E SS Line 66

  On the one hand there are the pro-consciousness philosophers like Colin McGinn, a professor at RutgersUniversity, and Peter Singer, a professor of bioethics at Princeton and aleading animal rights advocate.

  Primitive: [ˈprɪmɪtɪv] adj. 原始的

  belonging to avery early period in the development

  63E SS Line 71

  I think it’s plain common sense thatanimals have conscious states,” Mr. McGinn said. “Animals way down to insectshave phenomenal consciousness. It’s a primitive feature of thebiological world.

  Unleash:[ʌnˈliʃ] v. 发泄、释放

  release or vent

  63E SS Line 84

  Dr. Griffin appears mildly amused by thedebate his work has helped unleash.

  Crack: [kræk] v. 打破

  something becomes slightlydamaged, with lines appearing on its surface.

  71H NS Line 10

  If they tried, scientists could hardlyinvent a more difficult mystery to crack.

  Detached: [dɪˈtætʃt]adj. 单独的

  not joined to any other house

  OG4 SS Line 51

  Sprawl’s other most familiar form is drivenlargely by the American dream of a detachedhome in the middle of agrassy lawn.

  Detached: [dɪˈtætʃt] Adj. 超然的

  not personally involved insomething or has no emotional interest in it

  61C Humanities 23-A

  the narrator develops the third paragraphmainly through detached philosophical musings on the nature of theobject she sees.

  Hinder: [ˈhɪndɚ]v. 阻碍

  prevent the progress or accomplishment

  63C NS Line 84

  Where fires have been prevented, the forestfloor rapidly becomes colonized by shade tolerant white firs and incensecedars, hindering redwood regeneration.

  Obstacle: [ˈɑ:bstəkl]n. 障碍

  an obstruction that stands in the way

  67C SS Line 62

  There is also a major obstacle outside theworkshop: the resistance of the buyers to new woods.

  Inhibit: [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]v. 抑制

  prevent something from happening

  69F NS Line 49

  On the other hand, the heating andionization can also agitate clouds, inhibiting the birth of new stars.

  Fluctuation:[ˌflʌktʃʊˈeʃən] n. 波动

  change a lot in anirregular way

  OG2 NS Line 9

  Helmholtz was very conscious of color “constancy”—the way in whichthe colors of objects are preserved, so that we can categorize them and alwaysknow what we are looking at, despite great fluctuations in thewavelength of the light illuminating them.

  Illuminate: [ɪˈluməˌnet] v. 照亮

  shine light on something

  OG2 NS Line 9

  Helmholtz was very conscious of color “constancy”—the way in whichthe colors of objects are preserved, so that we can categorize them and alwaysknow what we are looking at, despite great fluctuations in the wavelength ofthe light illuminating them.

  Illusory: [ɪˈlusəri] adj. 虚幻的

  not real

  61B SS Line 24

  What is illusory is the widely held assumption that humanhave toiled miserably throughout history, only to be freed from labor by20th-century technology.

  OG2 NS Line 82

  These demonstrations, overwhelming intheir simplicity and impact, were color “illusions” in Goethe’s sense,but illusions that demonstrated a neurological truth –that colors are not “outthere” in the world nor an automatic correlate of wavelength, but, rather, areconstructed by the brain.

  Overwhelming: ˌ[oʊvərˈwelmɪŋ] adj. 巨大的

  very great

  OG2 NS Line 82

  These demonstrations, overwhelmingin their simplicity and impact, were color “illusions” in Goethe’s sense, butillusions that demonstrated a neurological truth –that colors are not “outthere” in the world nor an automatic correlate of wavelength, but, rather, areconstructed by the brain.

  Trigger: [ˈtrɪɡɚ] v. 引发

  to make sth happen suddenly

  71H NS Line 73

  As the Earth’s orbit slowly changes, sodoes the pattern of the sunlight falling on a given spot on the globe, triggeringthe glaciers’ advance and retreat.

  Counteract:[ˌkaʊntɚˈækt] v. 抵消

  reduce the effect ofsomething by doing something that produces an opposite effect

  71H NS Line 89

  Until scientists can explain changes in Earths climatic past, theycannot be sure they aren’t overlooking factors that could either counteracta human-made warming or amplify it.

  Amplify: [ˈæmpləˌfaɪ] v. 扩大

  increase strength or intensity

  Delve: [dɛlv] v. 探究

  try to discover new information about something

  61D SS Line 88

  However, given that Marshall, laid the foundation fortoday's racial landscape, his grand design of how race relations best workmakes his life story essential for anyone delving into the subject.

  Remedy: [ˈrɛmɪdi] n. 补救办法

  asuccessful way of dealing with a problem

  61D SS Line 47

  And it was Marshall, as the nation’s firstAfrican-American Supreme Court Justice, who promoted affirmative action—preferences,set-asides, and other race-conscious policies—as the remedy for the damage remainingfrom the nation’s history of slavery and racial bias.

  Circumscribe: [ˈsɜ:rkəmskraɪb] v. 限制

  limit or restrict

  OG1 SS Line 15

  Furthermore, even withregard to high-visibility issues, significant communication between theelectorate and public officials is extremely circumscribed.

  Deter: [dɪˈtə:] v. 阻止

  try to prevent

  OG1 SS Line 62

  Serious coverage ofgoings-on in government is deterred by the fact that government is sotechnical that even career civil servants cannot explain what is happening.

  Diligent: [ˈdɪlədʒənt] adj. 勤奋的

  works hard in a careful and thorough way

  OG1 SS Line 69

  Intricate technical issues such astaxation, arms control, and nuclear power are difficult to understand forprofessionals, to say nothing of the most diligent layman.

  Extol: [ɪkˈstoʊl] v. 赞美

  praise enthusiastically

  65C SS Line 51

  “A rolling stone gathers no moss” as extollingthe virtues of action as opposed to the more sedentary life.

  Underestimate: [ˌʌndɚˈɛstəmet] v. 低估

  If you underestimate something, you do not realize how largeor great it is or will be.

  57B SS Line 21

  According to the Bozeman Chronicle,even if federal specialists have wildly underestimatedthe number of cows and sheep that wolves would kill in the Yellowstone andcentral Idaho areas, the actual totalwould be much smaller than the number that die each year in the stateof Montana alone because of storms, dogs, and accidents.

  Inherent:[ɪnˈhɪrənt] adj. 固有的

  existing as an essential constituent or characteristic

  57B SS Line 30

  If you raise Christmas trees, part of thecost and risk of doing business is losing a few trees to gypsy moths and icestorms; inherent in the cost of ranching, particularly on public lands,should be the cost and risk of losing livestock to predators.

  Eclipse: [ɪˈklɪps] v. 使黯然失色

  begreater in significance than

  57B SS Line 53

  The industry’s cry of economic loss has eclipsed the costs tothe general public of not having wolves.

  Reciprocity: [ˌresɪˈprɑ:səti] n. 互惠

  arelation of mutual dependence or action or influence

  57B SS Line 82

  The story of this conflict is the story ofhow we view ourselves in relation to animals, whether we can replace theassumption of “dominion” That has been so destructive to us and the natural worldwith a worldview that recognizes that we live in a state of reciprocitywith the birds and the beasts-that we are not only the product of nature butalso part of it.

  Foster: [ˈfɔ:stə] v. 促进

  to encourage something to develop

  71H SS Line 46

  Her research—whichshe conducts alongside her husband, an organic farmer—exploresgenetically engineered crops that, instead of serving the rapacity ofagribusiness, foster the fundamentals of sustainability.

  Impending:[ɪmˈpendɪŋ]adj. 即将发生的

  an impending event is one that is going tohappen very soon

  Endeavor: [ɪn’devə] n. 努力

  apurposeful or industrious undertaking

  71H SS Line 50

  Their endeavor, counterintuitive as it seems, points to an emerginggreen biotech frontier— a hidden realm of opportunity to feed theworld’s impending 9 billion a diet produced in anenvironmentally responsible way.


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