





2017-09-28 15:32:15来源:网络

  lasts forever

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  So familiar is this vision of freedom thatit might seem a permanent feature of the American political tradition.

  Deliberating: [dɪ'lɪbərət]v. 仔细考虑

  plan and decide beforehand

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  It involves deliberatingwith fellow citizens about the common good and helping to shape the destiny ofthe political community.

  Sustain:[sə'sten] v. 维持

  continue or maintain for a period oftime

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  For despiteits appeal, the liberal vision of freedom lacks the civic resources to sustainself-government.

  Monopoly: [mə'nɑpəli] n. 垄断

  complete control

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  Twenty-fiveyears ago be published a short book suggesting that humans didn’t have the monopolyon thoughts and feelings

  Appall: [əˈpɔl] v. 使惊愕

  fill with fear or alarm

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  Otherscientists were appalled.

  Disguise: [dɪsˈɡaɪz] v. 伪装

  make something appear different so that people will not know about it orwill not recognize it

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  Animal enrichment programs featuring mentalpuzzles disguised as toys and treats have become a standard part ofdaily life at zoos.

  Issue: [ˈɪʃu] n. 问题

  an importantsubject that people are arguing about or discussing / v. 发行 make somethingknown formally or publicly

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  And in the spring of 2001 the University ofChicago Press issued an updated edition of Dr. Griffin’s 1992 book, AnimalMinds.

  Cautious:[ˈkɔʃəs] adj. 谨慎的

  acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger

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  Scientists,including me, have come to be very cautious.


  Misinterpret:[ˌmɪsɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt] v. 误解

  understand something wrongly

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  Early work on primate gestures and facialexpressions was grossly misinterpreted.

  Interpret: [ɪnˈtɜ:rprɪt] v. 解释

  decide the meaning or significance of something

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  But the effort to explain what was in his head has spawned almost asmany interpretations as the words themselves have generated politicalmovements.

  Intensify: [ɪnˈtɛnsəˌfaɪ] v. 增强

  make somethingbecome greater in strength, amount, or degree

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  In fact the recent findings appear to haveonly intensified the debate over animal consciousness.

  Mess: [mɛs] n. 混乱

  something in an untidystate

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  Tufts University philosopher Daniel C.Dennett declared the state of thinking on animal consciousness a “mess”.

  Advocate: [ˈædvəˌket] v. 提倡

  recommend something publicly/ n. 提倡者

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  On the one hand there are the pro-consciousness philosophers like Colin McGinn, a professor at RutgersUniversity, and Peter Singer, a professor of bioethics at Princeton and aleading animal rights advocate.

  Primitive: [ˈprɪmɪtɪv] adj. 原始的

  belonging to avery early period in the development

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  I think it’s plain common sense thatanimals have conscious states,” Mr. McGinn said. “Animals way down to insectshave phenomenal consciousness. It’s a primitive feature of thebiological world.

  Unleash:[ʌnˈliʃ] v. 发泄、释放

  release or vent

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  Dr. Griffin appears mildly amused by thedebate his work has helped unleash.

  Crack: [kræk] v. 打破

  something becomes slightlydamaged, with lines appearing on its surface.

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  If they tried, scientists could hardlyinvent a more difficult mystery to crack.

  Detached: [dɪˈtætʃt]adj. 单独的

  not joined to any other house

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  Sprawl’s other most familiar form is drivenlargely by the American dream of a detached home in the middle of agrassy lawn.





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