





2016-08-29 17:13:00来源:新东方 辛庆喆


  我们的ACT boys and girls刚刚考完了考试,值得庆幸的写作是一篇我们曾经练习过并且让大家重点复习的话题--教育。我们再次回忆一下4月9日亚太考区的真题24J--STEMeducation,需要大家讨论的是我们是不是需要科学数学这些学科的学习,这些教育的价值是什么,并且给出了三个不同的观点分别为:




  其实这篇文章与我们之前预测的模拟题中的很多篇都有观点的重合,今天我给大家总结一下教育话题,以我们新东方颜值担当的陈晓舒老师在去年9月考试前给我们编的这道The value of education为例,给大家强化一下我们写作的思路和过程。


  The value of education

  Education service has been paying increasingly attention to the practicabilityof education. They encourage students to select majors which are closely tiedwith the job market and by this way with students finding jobs easier thanbefore the employment rate will be promoted. However, do those educationalinstitutions put the true value of education in the first place or merely focuson releasing tensions in job markets? What results will be aroused if they keepdoing so and what are the real responsibilities of the education service.



  这篇自编题的题目叫做The value of education--教育的价值,并且在题目的引言中给了我们两个我们需要思考的问题,教育的价值应该是教育本身还是关注市场需求?教育的责任是什么?它会带来什么样的结果?那么我们就很明确了我们需要讨论的issue就是现代社会教育的价值,教育需要担起一个什么样的责任。


  P1:The employmentrate will go up if adequate job opportunities can be provided with graduates.Moreover, social unemployment rate will fall and thus ensuring a moreprosperous future for the whole society.

  " 如果给毕业生提供充分的就业机会,那么就业率就会提高。此外,社会失业率将会下降,是因为我们要确保社会更加繁荣的未来。

  " 第一个观点告诉我们我们现在教育的价值正在丧失,正在朝着一个只为了社会发展的职业和岗位而培养人才和进行教育,这个是违背了教育的责任和教育的义务的。

  P2: Too much emphasison practicability will lead to the lack of theoretical research which is thefoundation of the progress in practical science. Without the support from puretheoretical researches, progress in practical science is hard to be found.

  " 过分强调实用性将导致理论研究的不足,这是实践科学发展的基础。没有纯理论研究的支持,实践科学的进展很难被发现。

  " 第二个观点告诉我们我们现在的教育过于功利,只注重课本上的知识灌输,和课本上的实验研究,而忽略的实际生活的应用。这也是在认为教育的价值是在丧失的。

  P3: Job-orientededucation detracts from the true value of education-the cultivation of one'sinterest in a certain disciplinary field and enthusiasm for studies and worksin future.

  " 以就业为导向的教育的真正价值是教育只培养了在某一学科领域学习兴趣和工作热情对于未来的就业的培养。

  " 第三个观点在重申第一个观点,但并没有表达出明确的态度,我们可以认为他表达中立,并把它和第一个观点一起论述。我们现在教育培养出的人才太死板,不切合实际。





  教育类话题也是我在考前的课上给大家强调的一个话题,同样的教育话题我还给大家准备了一篇Studying Overseas的自编题,并且帮大家总结好了环境健康类、传媒类、社会科技类、教育类等常用的词汇和短语在课上会给大家呈现和讲解!


  Education is a cultivation, it means we shouldguide the young, and tell them the truth by our education. While educationneeds to tell the students what knowledges that the future civilization iseager for, except some common sense from the text book. So I think theeducation in China lose its responsibilities and students study for work morethan for improve themselves. It agrees with the perspective one and three.

  Today, our society become more and moreprosperous. Thus our society needs more talents which are different from thepast. So our education offers many choices which direct to the job in order todevelop our society. It is worthless for the students to study a lot of thingsthat just for future work in a company. Like the perspective one's statementthat we lose our duty to education the well-rounded person, and our educationsystem has a big problem. Take the job fairs for an example. At the end of theuniversity, most of the students need to go to the job fairs and choose a nicejob and start their future life. But the reality is cruel, the managers are notsatisfied with the graduates. Why is there such a situation? Our students inthe university study for a major and just from the text book, they lack of thesocial practice. Most importantly, our students can not choose the universityand major which they like or they even don't know they like the major or not,because of the score-oriented exam. So the education for the students is justfor one major and direct for one field. But the job fairs need the students isnot only mastery a complex skill, but also skillful with a large field in oursociety. It is the reason why the employment rate will fall. Also theperspective three says that job-oriented education detracts from the true valueof education. We should challenge our long-standing ideas that the universityreally should do. The students do not focus on the scores and pay moreattention to learn more knowledges to become a well-rounded person.

  The biggest education problem we face now isthat the education just for money. Students pay a lot of tuition for study andpractice in the university, but students are lack of theoretical research andpractical science. It agrees with the perspective two. In my opinion, in such asituation, the education loses its responsibilities to inspire theirimagination. To compare with the students in China and US, we can find a lot ofdifferences. Students in Chinese university just learn from the books, teachershave no responsibility to take you do some research if you choose the liberalarts. And students begin their major course at the first year in theuniversity. On the contrary, the university students in US can do lots ofbiology and chemistry experiments, although he is a liberal arts student. AlsoIt is available for you to transfer you major from one to the other. It engagesthe students to learn what they are interested in. It is wonderful for studentsthat they can learn things they really need and useful. Thus, our students justrely on the test book and scores, because of the incomplete education system.

  To sum up, our education loses itsresponsibilities to cultivation. We should improve our education system, andmake the students more creative and powerful in our society.


本文关键字: ACT写作 ACT考试话题





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