





2018-03-21 14:32:12来源:网络

  61D NS line 32

  These elegant patterns form when growing bone meets and meshes with connective tissue, capturing blood vessels in dense, woven structure called Haversian canals.

  Vessel: a vein in the body

  61D NS line 32

  These elegant patterns form when growing bone meets and meshes with connective tissue, capturing blood vessels in dense, woven structure called Haversian canals.

  Sentience: ['sen??ns] n. 知觉 the faculty through which the external world is apprehended

  63E SS Line 78

  What “are you seeing when you see sentience in a creature?”

  Creature: [?krit??] n. 生物 a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

  63E SS Line 78

  What “are you seeing when you see sentience in a creature?”

  Neuron:[?n?rɑ:n] n. 神经细胞 a cell that is specialized to conduct nerve impulses

  63E SS Line 88

  But there are no neurons or synapses in the human brain that aren’t also in animals.

  Stimulate: [?st?mj??let] v. 刺激 cause to be alert and energetic

  63E SS Line 8

  At Central Park the exercise with the log and snack goes by the grander name of “animal enrichment” and is intended to stimulate the bears’ minds as well as their appetites.

  Chew: to bite the food several times before swallowing it

  61B NS line 42

  Workers roll the wax up away from their abdomens with the legs, and chew and soften it with saliva.


  67C NS line 58

  They will never eat again, and their digestive systems will atrophy.

  Feast: eat

  65E NS line10

  They are large—and noisy一for insects that feast on sap: the smallest are 10 millimeters (just under half an inch) long, the largest 100 millimeters (four inches).

  Forage: the act of searching for food and provisions

  Plummet: decline dramatically

  65D NS line 46

  Warm venous blood flowing away from muscles heats cold blood coming in through the arteries, enabling bluefin to retain 98 percent of their body heat, giving them free rein to forage in cold waters and to dip in and out of the Gulf Stream, where sea temperatures plummet as much as 27 degrees Fahrenheit across one nautical mile.


  Crater: a bowl-shaped geological formation at the top of a volcano

  OG3 NS Lline33

  “The basic idea,” J Melosh says, “is that an impact doesn’t just open a crater. With high velocities, the projectile vaporizes and expands into the atmosphere.”

  Lava:rock that in its molten form (as magma) issues from volcanos

  65C NS Line74

  One of the first Martian rocks to be analyzed by the rover from NASA’s Pathfinder spacecraft appears to be andesite, a type of lava found in the Columbia Basin, an area some view as an apt geological analog to Mars.

  Stellar: being or relating to or resembling or emanating from stars

  But only one person in ten thousand is an astronomer. What possible relevance could these stellar explosions thousands of light years away have to all the others, whose business lies purely on or near the Earth’s surface?

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