





2016-08-15 12:46:51来源:新东方 彭秋珺


  ’It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… -- A tale of two cities‘.

  For most people, today is the best-worst times, an era controlled by computers and computerized devices. Some hold that the popularity of computers and mobiles undermines their lives and isolates them from the rest of the world, while others are pretty into and enjoy this times because the advances in technology have really changed their lives. However, such is human’s nature to be lazy and chase a comfortable life. Because of this, technology is always pushed forward and should be promoted continuously.

  Most importantly, people have been released from burdensome and repetitive works since the the first Industrial Revolution, which is also treated as the beginning of modern times. During and after Industrial Revolution, labor was divided and organized more effectively. The efficient distribution of labor and resources boosts the development and civilization. As a result, automation starts to replace some heavy works like mining; computerization begins to reform the whole industry, even society. Besides, the process of computerization and automation also promotes people‘s lives as a whole. For example, the advances in medicine prolong life expectancy and cure many dreadful diseases; improvements in transportation not only secure drivers’ life but also shorten the commuting time; developments in food industry enrich the nutrition and diversity of foods. Therefore, all promotions mentioned above are the fruits of technology, and modern people live in a world consisting and decorating with these technological achievements.

  Of course, some negative effects of modern technology are so obvious that it is difficult for us to ignore them. The internet, fulfilling with various kinds of Social Network Service(SNS), games, videos and so forth, eats too much of our routine lives. Information explosion bombards our minds every day, and we are busy with handling all the information from every corner of this world. Every day, we ‘Like’ some beautiful pictures on SNS; we share daily trivial on SNS and we even live how we consume a dinner. We get lost. Ever-updating information and technology always push us forward and no time is given to restore our true inside and explore the true world. However, what is the most accurate definition of ‘a true man’? It seems difficult to answer this question and as modern folks we are used to this hustle and bustle world. The most important thing is that we cannot live without technology. Some people, usually called star chasers, quit their decent jobs and try to find a peace inner through a long and directionless journey. They announced to get rid of all kinds of modern technology to find an authentic and fulfilled inner side in a global travel. Unfortunately, vehicles they used during this profound trip are manufactured, controlled and even leaded by all kinds of modern technology. That is to say, as a modern individual, a person cannot live without technology and s/he has to adjust to find who s/he is in this computerized and automatized epoch.

  In spite of technic negative impacts on humanity, many people still blame today‘s convenient technology blocks and breaks the relationship with their families, friends, and colleagues. They argue that modern devices like mobiles disturb their communication and reduce their precious family time. Reasonable and rationale as this complaint sounds, it cannot bear further discussion and analysis. People criticize that modern technology invades their lives, but the truth is, ridiculously, many people still refuse to talk and share their recent days with families, friends and others even though they do not need to deal with their ’the internet‘s affairs’. There is nothing to do with technology whenever the family tie is tight or loosened. Contrary to blocking communication, modern technology, like instant communication, strengthens family ties. With the progression of globalization, it is a prevailing phenomenon that some people work in a distant city or country. When they want to talk with their families or friends, all they need to do is to use online communication tools or mobiles to care their families. As a consequence, family bond is tightened and that is the contribution of modern technology.

  To sum it up, in such a world, there is no technology free times. Everyone leads, works, commutes, entertains, consumes, and etc. with and under the achievements of technology.

  以上就是新东方在线ACT频道为你带来的2015年12月12日ACT写作范文,更多精彩敬请关注新东方在线ACT频道(http://act.koolearn.com/ )。





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